Paw Prints

Padding through the bamboo

How many toes does a Panda have?

Panda on it's back

Lazy Munching

This topic was suggested by NED.

From Wikipedia:

The giant panda’s paw has a “thumb” and five fingers; the “thumb” is actually a modified sesamoid bone, which helps the giant panda to hold bamboo while eating.[21] Stephen Jay Gould discusses this feature in his book of essays on evolution and biology, The Panda’s Thumb.

Interesting. Cats seem to have a similar “digit” structure from what I can tell, and the chinese for panda, ?? (xióng m?o), means “bear cat”. The book has duly been added to my Kindle Wishlist :)

So to answer NED’s question, Pandas don’t have any toes in a sense, but I guess they have 10 fingers, 10 toes and 4 thumbs :)

Hello World

So this is me, Panda Cubb.  You may have noticed I have other blogs…

Access Log is all about my health conditions and accessibility issues.

Rough Notes is a blog for my Homeless / Rough Sleeper friends to tell their stories about homelessness.

Paw Prints is for my general ranting and raving :)

I hope you’ll find this an interesting place to converse and and that my ramblings will be of at least some interest :)