Paw Prints

Padding through the bamboo

Whilst I watched Dancing on Ice at the weekend, I was subconsciously giving the skaters marks out of ten as we all do.  But I realised afterwards that when I judge them I start with a 10/10 and mark down for mistakes or inelegance etc.  And this evening, just now in fact, it dawned upon me that I do this with people too.  When I meet someone new they start as a 10/10 with my full trust (unless I get one of those womanly instincts which instantly docks them a lot of points).  As I get to know them better they’ll lose points.  At a certain threshold they will go below the “suitable potential partner” level and duck into good friends.  And at some point they may go down past friends and into acquaintances (although this may happen for more logistical reasons rather than scoring).  But if the trust is gone it’s automatically a fail.

Perhaps this is why I end up in so many bad romantic relationships (not saying that they have all been so, but quite a few have been unhealthy).  Because I start from a 10, whereas everyone else probably starts from 0.



PS Happy Valentines, post on that later.

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